Monday, June 27, 2011

10 Things Kids Never Seem To Shut Off

The one thing that is hard to get kids to do is turn things off instead of just turning them on. They don’t seem to think about that aspect once they have lost interest in something. For a parent, it can mean spending time having to shut off all kinds of items in a room when your child has left to go play elsewhere. It doesn’t matter how many ways you explain it, or even threaten, they never seem to change. What are the most common things that kids leave on? Here are the ten that seem most common for most parents to confront on a regular basis.

  1. Lights. Flipping switches to turn on lights is something kids learn very fast. They understand the need to be able to see. Getting them to see the point of turning them off, once they’re done, is harder, especially if they see parents leaving lights on.
  2. Televisions. Maybe you have a small child who loves to watch a given show on cable. When it’s over, so is the interest in watching. Afterwards, the child leaves the room without thinking of turning off the set.
  3. Computers. Kids are learning to use computers at younger ages. There are many ways, between games and the internet, that kids use computers. Still, they will figure out how to turn it on, easier, than turning it off.
  4. Battery Operated Toys. There are countless toys for kids today that need batteries for things like sounds or lights. Sometimes, they only make sounds or flash when used. It is easy to turn them on and forget to turn them off again.
  5. Radios. Whether you are talking about a portable radio, like a walkman or something such as a CD player, kids love the fascination of using them. They just don’t do very well at turning them off afterwards.
  6. Faucets. Young kids may like the idea of washing their hands. They just might not take the time to turn off the water afterwards.
  7. Video Games. Just like other electric devices, kids sometimes set down the controller and start doing something else without shutting down the game system.
  8. DVD Player. Using a DVD player is something many kids learn fairly easy. You can let them watch a movie without having to set with them the whole time. Only, you can never assume that they will shut off the machine, when the movie ends.
  9. Appliances. It might be a case of curiosity, but for something like a microwave, with all those buttons, attracts the pushing fingers of kids. They might not even know they turned it on.
  10. Thermostats. This is another situation where a kid might be attracted to the switch ,or controls, and start playing with them. It won’t take much for them to lose interest and leave the heater or air conditioner running.
Perhaps you have some other items you could add to the list. The one thing we know is that ,for most parents, 
this will always require you to be on the watch for those devices left on, when they are not in use.

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Story by Katherine Tworsey